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Copyright Ⓒ 2025 AMR Environmental | 200101022151 (557909-P) | Environmental Consultant JB
Remediation Services
Providing total solution for erosion and sediment
control from earthwork activities
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Our Services




Site Remediation

AMR has the capability and experience in the remediation of sites with contaminated soil and groundwater. We provide the overall approach from site investigation, suitable remediation methods and final clean-up. Periodic monitoring and analysis of soil and groundwater will be conducted to ensure that the remediation is effective and workable to remediate the site to the desired compliance level. We have also developed a trademark product called AMR EZ-ENZYME™ and BioTreat™ as a biological remediation solution that is proven to reduce contaminants like petroleum hydrocarbons, COD, BOD as well as nuisance odors.

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Copyright Ⓒ 2025 AMR Environmental | 200101022151 (557909-P) | Environmental Consultant JB