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Copyright Ⓒ 2025 AMR Environmental | 200101022151 (557909-P) | Environmental Consultant JB
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Our newspaper coverage.

"Let's Clean, Go Green"

Participation in “Let’s Clean, Go Green” program with Johor’s Forestry Department and local school children at Pontian, Johor. AMR introduced and presented the use of microbe as a river remediation method.

Ready to serve for a better environment!

AMR Environmental is committed to serve a better environment for people all over the country.

Love the environment !

Over 41 occupants of the Raudhatul Maryam Skudai Orphanage has be given the knowledges on the environment through a programme called "Jejak Mesra Alam Sekitar" at the Pantai Tanjung Balau, Mersing.

E-Waste Recycling Programme

AMR has partnered with SKSPP (SK Sri Pulai Perdana) to make the "Jom Kitar Semula E-waste" Programme a success to spread the awareness of "proper disposal of household electronic waste (e-waste)".
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Copyright Ⓒ 2025 AMR Environmental | 200101022151 (557909-P) | Environmental Consultant JB